Term Life InsuranceProtect Your Family Against Loss Of Income Help Pay The Mortgage Help Fund Education Costs Help Fund Retirement |
How Much Life Insurance Is Needed? |
How Long do I need Life Insurance? |
Add up all of the money you owe. This is a good basis for determining a life insurance amount. Types of debt to consider:
Another common way to determine life insurance need is to calculate the size of an investment account that would provide enough income on its own to replace lost wages.
For example, if you want to replace $50,000 of income, you would need a lump sum of $1 million at 5% return. In this case, you would want to have $1,000,000 of insurance after any debt payoff. |
Determine how long it will take to pay off your loans. The balance of your loans should decline over time, but you may want to build in some capacity to cover loans you get in the future, such as another auto loan or a business loan.
Make sure your life insurance term extends to the pay off date of your last loan or financial obligation. Funding retirement is another financial goal to consider. Make sure the amount of life insurance and length of time the policy stays in effect is sufficient to provide the targeted retirement balance.